Wednesday, August 4, 2010

3 Dream Special, 1 Night Only!

Last night, or more correctly, this morning, I had a slew of odd dreams that I can actually remember. First up:

"Rock-Climbing Home"
I was on top of a very-very-very high cliff overlooking a river. Across the river was a mammoth rock that people were climbing, like the sport, but no one had any harnesses to protect them if they fell and that's all I could think about. Then, one guy jumped off of the very top of the rock and landed in the river, swimming away. I witnessed the entire fall, in dream time it took almost 20 seconds for him to hit the water (which, when falling, is pretty long). Then, my dream flashed. I was still on the rock, but I was preparing my bed, apparently I was going to sleep there, across from the climbing rock. The area was flat, but very close to the edge and no means of protecting me if I fell. I was playing with my flip-flops on my feet and the wind picked up and blew one of them into the water. Then, when I tried to get up and walk down a set of stone stairs to get down to the river, the wind picked up again and I slipped and held on for dear life. I shouted "help" and two girls came to help me, but I managed to pull myself back up. I went and retrieved my flip-flop.

"Another Tooth"
[In real life: I lost one of my permanent teeth, one of the top two front ones.] In my dream I bit into something and one of my front lower teeth broke. Fortunately, I told myself, since it broke halfway through, my dentist could easily put it back together.

"Water Disposal Manual / Cunt!"
I was working for some company and I had to throw away some buckets of water. I didn't know how or where to properly dispense the cases. I asked around, but no one wanted to help me. Then someone gave me a manual of dispensing buckets of water. It contained instructions on logging onto a computer and filling out something needed to throw away water. I read passwords [which were actually passwords of this photographer I work for in real life]. My dream flashed and now I was (still at a computer) next to some girl who was bitching about stuff. We somehow got into an argument and she was complaining I was weird. Then she made a rude comment about all my friends and (very unlike me) I snapped at her and called her a cunt. [In real life I'm not confrontational with strangers, which is how I saw her in my dream.] She started crying and went to the office of my boss from the company with the water disposal manual. I didn't even care if I might get fired from calling her that. My dream flashed again and I was preparing for some show at some convention. My friend Anthony was there too. I saw Cunt Girl and something in me possessed me to yank her hair (she had wavy hair down to her mid back). She looked at me really angrily and walked away. Anthony asked me why I did it. I didn't know, but now we had to run to the bathroom before some show started. We walked passed the bathroom that was right by us, to some across the place we were at. Anthony started running into it, jumping and laughing and he pushed some little boy out of the way. When he grabbed the boy, he made some comment to him that I couldn't hear. Then my dream flashed again and apparently the show was for me. I was a member of the "Glee" cast and we were doing a live performance for some convention place. After the show Cunt Girl started acting all interested in me and I told her that I didn't like her and she only liked me because I was famous.

I woke up in-between each of these dreams as my alarm kept waking me up. I've never been able to remember so many dreams from one night. I'm going to keep a track of them in this blog.